Where do brands go wrong with social media?

Targeting followers& aiming for engagement

What’s wrong with that?
Brands grow by reaching as many people within their target segment as possible on a regular basis.

What to do about it?
Through proper campaign goal optimisation – i.e. broad targeting to achieve the broadest reach possible within the target segment.

Relying onorganic reach

What’s wrong with that?
Organic engagement drops significantly from year to year.

What to do about it?
Produce less content but promote every single post.

Lack of brand elements

What’s wrong with that?
Brand elements are one of the building blocks of every brand. In order for branding to be successful, they need to be communicated regularly.

What to do about it?
Employ brand elements (logo, tagline, mascot, brand ambassador, jingle, etc.) as frequently as possible.

Or also:

We stand on the shoulders of giants.